West-Ark family, as you know, we all participated in the Church Health Assessment with the Siburt Institute this past fall. (See timeline below.)
In light of those results, the leadership has been in prayer and discussion together to discern how best to utilize the strengths identified through the assessment to attend to areas we can grow in for the sake of our church's mission.
From our prayer and discussion, we have identified two areas in which to focus our efforts surrounding relationships and ministries/volunteerism. We are seeking to hear from you with some intentional listening sessions. These sessions will ask questions around these topics in order to give narratives, stories, and experiences which speak to your involvement in the relational life and ministry activities at West Ark. Our staff and shepherds will be hosting these sessions during the next few weeks in small groups which we encourage you to attend. We are so grateful for your strong participation in the Church Health Assessment and we anticipate your active participation in the next phase.
You can sign up with this link and we want to encourage you to commit to participating in one of the offered meeting times. As members at West-Ark, we want to hear from you and provide the opportunity to give us your perspectives regarding the ways relationships and ministries at West-Ark show signs of God's presence and action.
The outcome of these listening sessions will be a compiled report which will be shared with the West-Ark leadership and the congregation. This report will assist the West Ark leadership as we continue to pursue our mission and partner with God.
Church Health Project Timeline
NOVEMBER 2023 - Church Health Assessment
JANUARY 2024 - Leadership met with Siburt Institute to discuss results of the assessment and determine growth areas
MARCH/APRIL 2024 - Congregational Listening Groups to learn more about the growth areas
Siburt Institute shares report from Listening Groups with the WestArk leadership
Action items from that report will be implemented together as a church family.
EARLY FALL - Siburt Institute will meet with leadership to follow-up on progress with the action items.